The East Sacramento Community Association (ESCA) announced July 16 that the fundraising campaign to replace the Welcome to East Sacramento sign has been successfully concluded.

ESCA, working closely with Friends of East Sacramento (FOES), undertook the fundraising effort after the Welcome to East Sacramento sign located at the corner of H Street and Alhambra Blvd. was stolen in April.

Tricia Stevens, ESCA President said: “Thanks to the generosity of members of the East Sacramento community, sufficient funds have been raised to both replace the welcome sign and to add enhanced security features including the addition of lighting.”

Lisa Schmidt, co-founder of FOES, added: “The Welcome to East Sacramento sign has become an iconic symbol of our neighborhood and we are thrilled that so many people supported our efforts to replace it.”

A community celebration will be held shortly after installation of the new signage. Date and time to be announced.